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Day trading is an exciting and fast-paced investment strategy, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. One of the most important concepts to understand in day trading is your risk reward ratio. This refers to the balance between the potential risks and rewards of a trade, and it is a crucial aspect of successful day trading. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of risk reward and how it applies to day trading.

What is Risk Reward in Day Trading?

Risk reward refers to the balance between the potential losses and gains of a trade. When day trading, it is important to have a clear understanding of the potential risks and rewards of a trade before entering into it. This helps traders make informed decisions and manage their risks effectively.

Risk Reward Ratio Chart
With a higher risk reward ratio, you give yourself more room to fail and still be profitable

Why is Risk Reward Important in Day Trading?

Risk reward is important in day trading because it helps traders make informed decisions about their trades. By knowing the potential risks and rewards of a trade, traders can determine whether the potential rewards are worth the risks involved. This helps traders avoid over-exposure to risk and make decisions that align with their investment goals.

Risk Reward Ratio Chart
Visualization of your risk reward ratio

How to Calculate Risk Reward in Day Trading:

To calculate the risk reward in day trading, traders must first determine the potential risks and rewards of a trade. The potential risk is usually the difference between the entry price and the stop-loss price, while the potential reward is usually the difference between the target price and the entry price. The risk reward ratio is then calculated by dividing the potential reward by the potential risk.

Using Risk Reward in Day Trading:

Once the risk reward ratio has been calculated, traders can use it to make informed decisions about their trades. A higher risk reward ratio indicates that the potential rewards are greater than the potential risks, making the trade more attractive. On the other hand, a lower risk reward ratio indicates that the potential risks are greater than the potential rewards, making the trade less attractive.

Video Example going over risk reward and how crucial it is to be successful!

In conclusion, risk reward is an important concept for day traders to understand. By knowing the potential risks and rewards of a trade, traders can make informed decisions and manage their risks effectively. By incorporating risk reward into their day trading strategy, traders can increase their chances of success and achieve their investment goals.

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